
Supply chains are affected by many variables — demand, weather events, negotiations — which in turn can affect your entire operation. Staying agile and competitive is not only essential to growth, but it’s also important to maintaining your current operational volume and speed sustainably. Selecting the right material handling services provider is crucial to these efforts, as they will give you the ability to consistently deliver the results that form the “backbone” of your supply chain.

How to Achieve MHE Excellence


There are two vital facets that you’ll need to keep in mind when selecting your Material Handling Services, or MHE, provider: experience and innovation. A company that has the benefit of decades in business brings solutions that newer startups have never needed to manifest; with a parent company founded in 1950 and an MHE legacy of excellence reaching back to 1961, Kenco brings priceless peace of mind to our material handling service clients.

Innovation is also found in abundance within our warehouse walls. Even our company history itself is a testament to our adaptability and forward thinking: we started by offering the best quality lift trucks and forklifts to our customers, and now we offer a full suite of logistics solution for seamless integration across the supply chain.

In our eBook, Why You Should Choose Kenco For Material Handling Fleet Services, we take you through Kenco’s history and proven excellence to help you know what to look for when choosing a material handling service provider.

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This information-packed eBook contains everything you’ll need to know about our best-in-class material handling services, from our core philosophies to our boots-on-the-ground experiences working for companies just like yours. We have included a detailed case study that explains how, through hard work, careful calibration, and innovation, we bridged the $10,000+ negative cost gap between a client’s projected costs and what they were spending on material handling before partnering with us. Another MHE provider was misleading them about the costs they needed to achieve the results they wanted. After Kenco’s intervention, the company enjoyed cost savings that exceeded 30 million dollars over the course of the next ten years.

While this case study is only one of the many we’ve received from satisfied and enthusiastic clients over the years, it’s a great way to see what our efforts can do for your business. As you read through the case study in this free eBook, one thing is likely to stand out: the client was an established business with an active MHE partnership elsewhere. They were “used to” collaborating with this provider, but they weren’t ensuring that their ongoing costs were both expected and reasonable. No matter how long you’ve been working with an MHE provider, it’s smart to avoid assuming that you’re getting the best deal, or the best service, available to you.

Much like any aspect of your logistics or supply chain, to get the best deal, periodic audits are needed.

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At Kenco, we believe that transparency is vital to our success. This means that you can expect the information we offer on MHE cost-savings to be true and actionable, whether we stand to gain business from it or not. We want you to make important decisions armed with the knowledge you need, so you can trust our team to look into your operations and make recommendations with an eye for expertise.

We also place a high value on trustworthiness; we believe that if clients aren’t sure they can trust our word, we can hardly expect them to trust our products and services. That’s why a handshake, whether real or virtual, is more than a simple gesture at Kenco — it’s a promise, and one that’s underlined with more than 50 years of dedicated service to our customers.

Finally, smart implementation ensures that we don’t lose any of the valuable momentum built up in the planning stages of MHE. It’s about having not only the right equipment for the job, but the right size workforce as well, all committed to achieving your goals through the dedication of Kenco’s MHE services.

Together, these three important concepts form the foundation of Kenco’s Material Handling Services division, and they make sure every client receives the consideration and powerful MHE efforts they deserve.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re looking for your first MHE provider or simply want to experience the detail-oriented, customer-first MHE experience at Kenco, we have the resources for you. Download our free “Choosing a Material Handling Services (MHE) Provider” eBook. Once you read through these professional insights, you may never look at your supply chain the same way again. When it comes to MHE, that new vision may be exactly the push your business needs to truly succeed.