March 2020

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic crisis evolves, we continue to monitor the situation and to take appropriate actions to address potential concerns and risks.  As always, Kenco’s primary focus is on the health and safety of our associates, vendor partners, visitors and stakeholders within the supply chains we serve and support each day.

All facilities remain operational at this time, with our teams continuing to safely work as allowed by local regulations and ordinances.

Kenco has initiated a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Task Force team, which is focused on ensuring the safety of our employees while having business continuity.   This task force is our front line for leadership and employee support in managing the many unique situations the pandemic is raising.  We are working to meet challenges in the following ways:

  • Implementing rigorous processes within our site locations and corporate office to disinfect common work areas, equipment and surfaces
  • Taking care of employees with empathy and concern for what they are facing, as the onsite leadership and corporate task force collaborates and monitors potential concerns as they arise each day
  • Minimizing visitors and vendors onsite and screening them prior to entering the workplace
  • Keeping it local, being in frequent contact with each customer to manage their needs to keep the supply chain moving to end consumers
  • Continuing to proactively stay ahead of changing dynamics with our customers, tasking our operations leadership to anticipate and respond quickly

I want to thank our associates for their commitment and dedication during this challenging time. I also want to let our customers, vendors and partners know that we appreciate their flexibility and support. Through ongoing communication and collaboration, we will continue to address issues that arise as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Best Regards,

Denis Reilly
President & CEO, Kenco Group